The Maltese Cross is the magazine of Phi Kappa Sigma International Fraternity. It is produced annually and delivered to all members of the organization. You can download high resolution versions of past issues below as well as read some highlight stories from our current issue.
Be it enacted that, FIRST, the Maltese Cross shall be the official publication of the Fraternity and shall be published during each academic year at such times as the Executive Committee may direct.
SECOND, the Executive Director shall be the Editor-in-Chief of the Maltese Cross and shall supervise its proper editing and publishing. The Upsilons shall be the correspondents of their respective active Chapters. Subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee, the Editor-in-Chief may from time to time appoint and dismiss associate editors and additional correspondents who shall serve without compensation.
THIRD, the Maltese Cross shall be sent free to all members of the Fraternity who from time to time shall indicate their desire to receive it, and also to certain exchanges to be designated by the Editor-in-Chief.
FOURTH, all expenses arising out of the editing and publishing of the Maltese Cross shall be defrayed out of general funds of the Fraternity or contributions to the Alumni Fund, as provided in Section FIRST (2) of Act 3.